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Friday, April 25, 2008

Clown school in Norway June 24-July 20, 2008

International clown teacher Giovanni Fusetti will lead a class in Theatre Clowning in Kristiansand, Norway this summer from June 24-July 20. The class is limited to 14 students, and there are still a couple of places available. The class promises to be highly international-- thus far they have received applications from Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Norway, South Africa, UK, and USA.

The four week program will consist of the following:

First Week: THE CLOWN “STATE”-- Play, action/reaction and fun. From the Neutral Mask to the Red Nose.

Second Week: THE PLAY (le jeu)
-- Playing with space, objects, hierarchy. Clown numbers and le bide (fiasco).

Third Week: THE SKILLS
-- The actor’s skills in the service of the clown, The writing of a Clown Number.

Fourth Week: THE SHOW-- Devising a clown variety show, & public presentation of the show.

(a much more comprehensive listing is available on the website listed below)

Tuition is 950 euros, but reduction of tuition is offered to students traveling from
North America (-150 €), South America, Asia and Africa: (-200 €), and Oceania (-250€)

The tuition does not include accomodation. However, the organization will provide different options of affordable acccomodation. Rosegarden Theaterhouse also will provide the use of a communal kitchen space.

The official language of the workshop is English.
A basic understanding is required.

For practical and administrative information
please contact


Telephone: +47 91648649
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 09:00 am- 4:00 pm
norwegian time (GMT+1)

For further pedagogic information and applications please contact:

Giovanni Fusetti


Telephone: (+39) 349 7130121

Or visit Giovanni's website and click on workshops

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