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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Australia: The Deadly Serious Training Project

Subject: Teachers Training/NICA/ The Deadly Serious Training Project

Greetings all,

We would like to get the word out to as many people as Greetings all,

We would like to get the word out to as many peoplepossible, so apologies if you have already received this email. If there is a group, community or person you think might be interested in our upcoming project, please forward this email on.

NICA is currently Seeking Expressions of Interest from potential participants for: The Deadly Serious Training Project: Advance - Enhance.

After many wonderful discussions (and feedback) with the indigenous youth participants at the recent ACAPTA conference (and a number of years being partners in projects in various places around Australia), NICA is responding with a 2008 training project, 'Deadly Serious'. This one week project will train young leaders within the indigenous youth circus community, (16 yrs +) and will take place over a week in the National Institute of Circus Arts training space (in Melbourne), towards the latter part of the year. Participants will need to fund their accommodation, airfares and meals.

To provide an opportunity for leaders within the indigenous youth circus community to advance their circus and teaching skills
To raise the profile of Indigenous Youth Circus companies and projects
To enable indigenous youth leaders to make connections with an educational institute and in particular with professional circus trainers and tertiary circus students
To provide participants with the opportunity to create networks, collaborations and lasting partnerships
Deadly Serious: Advance- Enhance, will offer young, aspiring, indigenous circus performers the opportunity to:
Follow their passion
Dive headlong into a week of 'deadly serious' training
Enhance and advance current skills
Confirm previous achievements and extend them through new challenges
Create productive networks
Work with the dedicated and experienced multinational community of trainers at NICA

Please contact Andrea Ousley ( or Matt Wilson ( by 23/05/08 to express your interest in this project.

NICA Social Circus Team

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