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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hotel Bananas - This week at the Flea Theatre (NY)

Hotel Bananas

The NY Goofs
July 23 – 25
Clowns check in but they don’t check out

at the Flea Theater, 41 White Street (between Broadway & Church Streets)

An evening of raucous laughter with the New York Goofs

America’s Got Clowns, Season Two, proves exactly what the title says, that America has some rocking physical comedians. New York Goof co-founders Dick Monday & Tiffany Riley bring together their Clown School faculty and professional clowns to create a hilarious show. Expect to see eccentric dance, musical entrees, bad magic, feats of tossing and manipulation (juggling), Godly and unGodly characters, and a lot of very physical comedy.

The New York Goofs have presented three original clown theater productions at The Flea over the last ten years.

The performances are July 23 – 25 at 7pm. Tickets may be purchased by visiting the Flea website here

More information about the goofs at

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