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Friday, October 10, 2008

Support Hospital Clowns in Haifa!

A friend of mine who is a rabbi is doing a bike tour in Israel with his congregants next week, raising money for a cause.

This year the cause is hospital clowns of Haifa!

Read his letter, and if you are so inclined, support his efforts.

You can find out more about the program "Dream Doctors" at

You have to wait for the flash, and then click on the English logo.

Pick a hospital, and you can find out more about the program, and the clowns who work it too.

Dear Friends,

A dream is about to become reality for myself and a number of my congregants who will begin a ten day, 350 mile biking adventure on October 19th, 2008 in Israel.

In the spirit of fixing that which is broken in the world, we have selected The Children's Hospital Medical Clowns Project of Rambam Medical Center in Haifa to be the recipient of our fund raising efforts. This initiative brings clowns to the oncology ward, using their skills to entertain the children, providing them a much needed respite for them and their families through laughter, compassion and joy.

I am looking for your help and support in making this dream a reality through your generosity. Please help us put a smile on a child's face by making a donation of sponsorship. Donations can be made easily and quickly online by clicking on the following link:

Many thanks in advance for your support and much love,


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