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Friday, August 22, 2008

Bindlestiff Cavalcade of Youth seeks performers

Got this in from Viveca Gardner, of Playful Productions, and the Youth Director of the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus.

They are looking for Youth under age 21 to perform in the Cavalcade of Youth-- see below for more information.

If you'd like to perform, email or call Viveca pronto. They've got spots available, and are always looking for the next generation of fantastic new performers.



It's that time again--we're looking for jugglers, clowns, magicians, musicians, dancers, acrobats, and other variety performers under age 21! We want to put you in the spotlight!

The next Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Cavalcade of Youth performances will be September 26 and November 16 (both Sunday afternoons) at the beautiful Zipper Factory Theater in Midtown Manhattan. If you would like to participate, please reply soon!

Also, please help spread the word about these great shows--both to potential audience members and to potential performers. All the information is below.

Thanks and best wishes to all. I look forward to hearing from you!

Viveca Gardiner
Director of Youth Programs, Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
President, Playful Productions



The Zipper Factory Theater presents
a Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts, Inc. and Playful Productions production

Bindlestiff Family Cirkus's
The Performers of Tomorrow Steal the Stage Today!

What: Bindlestiff Family Cirkus's Cavalcade of Youth
When: Sunday, September 28, 2008 Showtime: 2 pm
Where: Zipper Factory Theater
336 West 37th Street, New York City
Admission: Advance Purchase: $7 youth / $12 adults
At the Door: $10 youth / $15 adults
Info/reservations: 212-352-3101

Bindlestiff Family Cirkus presents a special showcase for young variety performers, ranging from amateurs to world-class professionals. Juvenile jugglers, diminutive dancers, adolescent acrobats and a host of other moppets and mummers present a full show of vernal vaudeville. Acts range from debuting amateurs to world-class champion performers—all under the age of 21.

Now in its fifth year, Bindlestiff's Cavalcade continues to feature an amazing array of young talent. These are the future stars of Cirque du Soleil, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and television. Where else can you see juvenile unicyclists, tap dancers, magicians, clowns, and contortionists sharing the stage with Broadway-bound singers and classically trained musicians?

Since its inception in January 2004, Bindlestiff's Cavalcade of Youth (COY) program has grown markedly. In September 2006, a few of the COY participants were featured performers in the Speigeltent at the South Street Seaport. In the past year COY has had programs at Abrons Arts Center, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, and COY instructors are offering circus skills in after school programs throughout the city. This past summer, COY participated in the American Circus Youth Festival in Illinois. The 2008 Cavalcade of Youth performance season is hosted by the Zipper Factory.

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