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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Johnny Peers Muttville Comix

One of the top working clown and dog acts is Johnny Peers' Muttville Comix. Johnny has been performing his act for over 25 years, and has performed it on four continents and with some of the best circuses in the business, including Ringling, Big Apple Circus, and Carson & Barnes, among many others.

Johnny's dad was a concessionaire on the Ringling circus. While helping his dad, Johnny ended up sneaking away to watch the clowns, and eventually decided to become one. He graduated from Ringling's Clown College in 1970 and a few years later, began creating the character and act that he's been doing ever since.

Johnny currently uses about 15 dogs in his show, but owns and cares for 25 dogs. The dogs do everything, including jumping rope, climbing ladders, walking a tightrope, and most importantly, knocking Johnny down several times a minute and then walking all over him.

It takes from 6 months to a year for each dog to learn its act, and the act is a collaboration between the dogs natural talents and Johnny's masterful ability to place the dogs in a circus context.

In 2003, Johnny and his group won the Animal Planet Pet Star award.

To find out more about Johnny and his Muttville Comix, please visit his website listed below:
(site updated on 4/30/09)

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Comments on "Johnny Peers Muttville Comix"


Blogger Unknown said ... (January 25, 2009 at 8:28 PM) : 

Johnny's new website is His old website is no longer being updated.


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