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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Portrait of a Clown as a Young Man (okay, not so young)

I sat for a portrait with Bill Wadman, a photographer working on a 365 day project. Each day he takes a portrait of a different person, and posts it. It might be a book or a calendar, or a something one day. I'm 11/02. (and the rest of the photos are even more amazing!) He's been doing this project for a whole year!

It was a lot of fun to be photographed for this purpose. I generally love getting my photo taken, and like most clowns, have been photographed thousands of times (and am probably on refrigerators and flickr accounts all over the country)

Bill was really great to work with, and he has a great eye. So much of being a good photographer is catching someone in the act of being themselves. (and hopefully fabulous)
So here's the photo that he ended up choosing of me. And then a gallery of 11 others that he took that were possibles. (our photo shoot ended up with over 100 shots-- but to get eleven that were print inclusive worthy is amazing.)

What can I say, I give good photo!

If you like the photo, please click the image to see Bill's page, and comment on it there!

All photos
by Bill Wadman
for his project
365 portraits

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