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Friday, October 5, 2007

Amy Gordon

Amy Gordon is a clown, physical comedian and character actress. She acts and co-directs with the Daredevil Opera Company along with Jonah Logan, and has performed with them over 600 times in 20 countries. Shows with Daredevil Opera include Cirkus Inferno , Rocket & Roxy's Stunt Show , and Drakonsbreath .

Amy has also performed in a number of other shows, including AntiGravity's Crash Test Dummies , the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus and for the Spiegeltent in NY and Australia. She has performed, directed, and choreographed solos and group pieces in most of the NY downtown theatre, dance, and comedy venues. In addition she has worked the cruise ship market, directing the Cruise Comic program for Royal Caribbean International.

Amy has a degree in Theatre Arts from Western Washington University where she was lauded as a Finalist in the Kennedy Center/Irene Ryan ACTF Competition and with the Outstanding Senior Award. She continues her studies with masters including Phillipe Gaulier, Rene Bazinet, David Shiner, Avner Eisenberg and Kenny Raskin.

Amy's next performance is the premier of her solo show ON A ROLL at the Dance Theatre Workshop in Manhattan. This is part of their Family Matters series. The show will feature many comedic solo bits, and combines dance, music, and their ugly step-sibling, comedy. The show is on Saturday October 27 at 2 pm at Dance Theatre Workshop, 219 W 19th Street in New York. Tickets are $20 adults/ $10 for kids.
Purchase tickets for this show.

To find out more about Amy's work, please visit the websites listed below:

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