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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fringe Wrapup....

Gardi Hutter won the Overall Excellence Award for acting in the NY Fringe! Considering there were over 200 shows performing, I think that's an incredible feat. Congratulations, Gardi!

I saw 3 shows in the fringe this year, which is less than previous years-- All of them clown related (You can search this site for Fringe to see my show reviews). I meant to see two others, but one (Paul Rajeckas Notes From the Fatherland)[ READ THE NYTHEATRE.COM REVIEW ] I got closed out of due to the Fringe's strict No Latecomers Rule.

The other one (Antarctica) featuring Chris Lueck of the NY Downtown Clown Revue as the Enchanted Polar Bear, [READ THE NYTHEATRE.COM REVIEW ]I ended up having to miss because I had to do some last minute preparations for my show in DC, which ended up turning into an all day shopping affair, looking for just the right replacement props and tools.

And my shows in Washington DC went very well [CLICK HERE TO READ WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE]

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