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Friday, June 15, 2007

Doris The New Age Guru: The Clown Within.

Doris The New Age Guru is a character created by Rachel Caine, an English business woman turned self-described "Sacred Clown Healer."

Doris's story is the following:

After thirty five years married to Stanley in Pontefract, Doris was blessed when a blinding flash electrocuted the hoover and her spirit guide came shining through. Instructed to branch out into the New Age of Aquariums, she voyaged to the Oracle at Delphi, who told her to beware of therapies which would cost a lot and leave her none the wiser. Ignoring the guidance, she became addicted to New Age workshops, finally deciding to devise her own. From tea to tarot, karaoke to karma and toilets to tantra, Doris now leads journeys to the brighter side of lifeā€¦

Rachel performs in theatres, prisons, hospitals and at street festivals. She lives in Ibiza, Spain and gives regular classes in "Sacred Clown" in Spain, Greece, and England. Her take on her work as a clown is that she bring spontaneity and joy to people in their darkest hours and through her work transforms sadness with a loving heart. I've never met her or taken her workshop, so can't comment on her efficacy as a teacher. She seems to get good marks from the people that have taken her class.

To find out more about Rachel's seminars and performances, visit her websites listed below.

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